What is Aviation

What is Aviation 

Today's life Air travel was ordinary, but before 1903 it was imposible.In 1930 Wright Brothers first fly.
Since this time aviation growing.During the 1920s and 1930s great progress was made in the field of aviation.In 1919 First transatlantic flight was made.In 1927 first solo transatlantic flight was made by Charles Lindbergh.One of the most successful designs of this period was the Douglas DC-3, which became the first airliner to be profitable carrying passengers exclusively, starting the modern era of passenger airline service.After World War II, especially in North America, there was a boom in general aviation, both private and commercial, as thousands of pilots were released from military service and many inexpensive war-surplus transport and training aircraft became available.Today we have big jets one of them is Airbus A380 it was biggest airliner at this time which carrying maximum of 853 people it was double decker airliner First A380 manufactured in 2005 and enter in service 2007 it made first flight in 27 April 2005. In 21th century people can cross atlantic in 7-8 hours. Aviation makes big progress from 1930 to 2016-17.I hope we see more new features in Aviation and made it safer and faster

Douglas DC-3


A380 Super Jumbo


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